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Elizabeth Cheadle
Conservation of Polychromed & Gilded Timber

Elizabeth Cheadle specializes in the conservation and restoration of painted and gilded furnishings and timber objects in churches and historic buildings. Based in Somerset, the practice was established in 1991. Projects are undertaken in collaboration with timber specialists, conservation joiners, architectural paint historians and assisted by trained conservators.
The aim is to maintain the object as a whole with minimal intervention, whilst allowing it to remain a visible contribution for those who experience and use the building. In a church this may demand sensitive compromises.
As well as numerous projects in West Country churches, clients include The Churches Conservation Trust, English Heritage, Cadw, architects and private individuals.
All aspects of conservation are undertaken to the highest standard including:
Preliminary investigations of painted schemes with paint analysis.
Condition reports with recommendations for treatment.
Documentation for grant applications.
Preventive conservation and care.
Remedial treatments i.e consolidation of fragile lifting paint, removal of dirt and discoloured varnish.
Restoration and re-gilding where there is significant loss or damage, if this is appropriate.
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